Friday, March 28, 2014

Where have I been?

I would say overwhelmed but Spaceboy's behavior is getting easir to manage. Is it the attempt at being gluten free? He gets lots still and that is another story--gluten free and my cooking skills

I still have so far to go with this. To join any type of organization requires funding and I don't really have sny disposable income. There is a book on Finance on my nightstand. Maybe I ought to read it. ANyway, I am still here and trying to make it through the rest of the school year. Contemplating my future and that of my kids.

On a up not, SB received a teddy from Nathaniel's Hope in Orlando. I think Iwill spend some time on their site. Best think to start with tehn one has not worked is volunteer! and off I go!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Homeschooling and Aspergers

Today's e course. Covered all the issues I have considered.
"The Parenting Asperger's Mini-course"

By Dave Angel

Author, "The Parenting Asperger's Resource Guide"

(c) 2006 All Rights Reserved

The key things to think about if you are considering
home schooling your child.

Home schooling the child with Asperger's can be
beneficial because you know your child better than
anyone else.

In the home school environment, routine can be
maintained because there is not the impact of the
needs of other children or other interruptions.

Further, you have the ability to teach to your
child's strengths that may not be readily recognized
by others within the school system.

It may also help your child avoid the affects of
bullying that is often associated with any child who
is different.

However, the child with Asperger's Syndrome lacks
social skills and the ability to fit in with their
peers, yet they usually crave this type of interaction.

All children learn a great deal of their social skills
in school and it is no different for the child with
Asperger's Syndrome.

Interacting with other children will not only provide
them with the opportunity to develop some social
skills, but develop life long skills that will be
important to them later in life.

At some point in his or her life, your child will need
to develop skills that will help them interact in

They will also need to develop the ability to make
decisions in your absence.

It is not likely that they will have the opportunity to
learn these skills in home school, unless you are
very active with other social skills groups.

These are just a few of the considerations you need
to make when considering your child's education that
feature in my new book "The Parenting Asperger's
Resource Guide". Which you can learn more about by

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

100 days down through the Autism speaks book...Or Space boy thinks crayons should be naked

I was feeling awesome yesterday morning as I got up with Is and discussed taking her to school to report someone texting her and threatening to beat her up. I was proud to see that she just needs a shadow of support for she marched right into the principles office and said "I need to speak to you." Ummm okay, Is. Apparently (the principle) she likes my daughter. The girl was out yesterday so there should be mediation or whatever today. Triumph. Before leaving:

Now for the Space boy. Speech is at 9:30 and he likes to sleep until nine. Note he was wearing the shorts in the picture above (the top, I have gotten rid of." So this is the clothing I thought to offer him:

He picks with NO PROBLEM!!!!!!!! I did shorts or long pants. Then which shorts--knowing now that he leans toward plaid and accepting it makes it so much easier.. Long sleeve or short sleeve. He dressed without issue. We filled the Burley and I biked them to school, making it back just as mum and dad arrived. I am sure they want to make sure I am taking care of their home. ML was with them and is down for a vacation. This will be their winter home if I ever leave...... Mum seemed happy even if the floors needed sanitizing. I only spot mopped.

What did we do: I recovered both computers to factory condition and am actually using the kids computer now. We made brownies and snicker doodles. The boys were placed at the table with a bunch of coloring books and crayons. As pictured they chose to color with a highlighter and pen.

This is what naked crayons look like. Rather than color with them, SB peeled the crayons, Then latter, rather than color, he took them to the garage and broke them into little pieces.

The moral of this post: Just when you think you have it--know you don't. Space boy does because the sensory experience of peeling and breaking was pleasurable to him and soothing. It just drives me nuts.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Update on a Aspie kid

It has been a while since we got a diagnosis on L. He is handling Speech therapy without too much fuss and he made it through his EEG and I wait until February.

Here is him hanging at the Neurologist.

Fortunately he was on a long enough leash that he could move throughout the room, watch tv, play video games, ect.

I started a FB page to keep track of what I am learning because sometimes blogging is so much work.

Today the focus is on scheduling. Auspie kids need a schedule that is not deviated upon unless the child has been informed a head of time. Lachy's Schedule is simple since he is really the social age of 3 rather than 5. No wonder he and Ben are best friends. I don't even come close to having it all together--I am still trying to understand the disorder. It is said that if you meet one Apsie child you have met ONE aspie child. There is not much consistency and although there are basics that are across the board, each child has to be treated differently. The trick is finding out what works and that is what I am doing. I am inundated with information and won't feel I have it under control ever.

I just found this book to download and now I am about to read it. Thoughts will follow I am sure but right now I have to pick E and T up from Saturday school. So I will return to delve deeper inot the aspects of this disorder. Note that te DSMV4 is no longer in effect and THE DSMV5 diagnosis requirements have changed. I will add that to when I get back.....

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Aspergers and clothing

Today was another trying day getting L to change his clothes. He has been wearing the same outfit for 5 days and although he showers, No matter where I hid the clothes, he finds them and puts the same dirty t shirt and shorts on. PRAISE GOD he covered the t shirt witha long sleeved one. I am waiting for him to end up with scabies. Photos: tried taking photos but the flash was bothersome to the sensory "difficult" (my word). Oh, in case it was not infered or even spelled out--I LOST.

So I must accept that the part of the diagnosis that included tactile adjustment or lack there of applies to my Aspie. And begin a quest to outwit the little genius. Yes, Gwen, we will all be working for him because we want to avoid his tantrums.

And just becasue I love and miss medline:

Can Tactile Sensory Processing Differentiate Between Children with Autistic Disorder and Asperger's Disorder?

Interesting read and definitely -----"These results for the first time indicated that at least some aspects of tactile perception can differentiate these two disorders. Children with autistic disorder have more tactile sensory seeking behaviors than children with Asperger's disorder. Moreover, the ability of children with autistic disorder for tactile discrimination and sensory perception is less than those with Asperger's disorder."

So, the approach to tactile issues must have a difference for each disorder. However, this study is not clear what that should be. Another primary source search to add to the list. (I wonder if I could use this for applying to grad school?)

SO I will now buy two or three of the same things for him. He likes his shoes and clothing worn out and soft. It would not be too difficult as long as the approach is right. This morning and underwear was a nightmare. Tactile defensiveness is a negative reaction, such as withdrawal, avoiding, or escaping, in response to tactile stimulations, such as rubbing and scratching. This exaggerated response is explained by slower habituation to repeated tactile stimulus. How the child has a slower habituation begs the question, is it becasue parents try to avoid the tanrum when a new texture is placed on the body in the form of clothes. I am going to say "yes" from experience. The more severe the disorder, the more severe the tactile problems. I am fortunate he is not worse for there ARE a few things he will wear--all well worn and very soft and comfy for my Space Boy.

ON a positive note, I cringed when he left the house for speech therapy at shcool and it was cancelled. Probably good since he has two black eyes thanks to Frank pusing himoff the coffee table and him hitting his forhead right between the eyes. At least the swelling has gone down. I tried to get a photo of his battle wounds but he chose not to co-operate.

that tie dye that I made is being worn on Saturday the 14th. He still has it on--now under a long sleeve red shirt. Title picture shorts HAVE been changed from the plaid seen in the title shot to camo shorts. Still on his body....

Monday, December 16, 2013

Another morning of Asperger's

I found this on a FB page:

I have to keep remembering, my son doesn't think like other boys. He is almost in a world all his own. I almost want to thank those who were trying to convince me nothing was wrong because it is blissful at times being unaware. But we beat on, boats against the current, being swept ceaselessly into the past ...Gasby.

I am beating on while I look at a list primarily of Lachy appointment making or changing. I am working out the best caregivers with the distace and time waiting scale. Who will win? This race I propose in a state that believes life should be taken leisurally. I disagree. There is little time and much to do. I wish there were more hours during the day. I wish I could just "think" what needs to be in place and have it magically fall there!

-His next Behavioral Therapy is at noon in Orlando. So Friday 9:00 speech therapy, 12:00 Behavioral Therapy and 3:00 Terminix.
--Busy day and it will help me stay focused except when my mind wanders to things past. I need to learn to leave the things I do not trust in my past. The problem is I will always keep that smidgen of trust and a heap load of hope.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Aspergers information--how much is too much

Right now I feel as if I am the one with the disorder. I am obsessing over the diagnosis and what I can do to make life go smoothly for L. At a certain point, I need to assimilate all of my information and apply that whcih is applicable. Funny, helping my son with this disorder is truning out to be helpful to the Elementary kids. It is more necessary than ever to have a consistent rountine. (One reason losing my bike reaally sucks: L loves to go on bike rides). Anyway, the following is noteworthy:

What Are the Symptoms of High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome?

Other than the difference in their language development, people with high-functioning autism and people with Asperger's syndrome share many similar characteristics. They typically have average or above-average intelligence. They may, though, show other behaviors and signs similar to what's seen with other types of autism. These include:

A delay in motor skills
A lack of skill in interacting with others
Little understanding of the abstract uses of language, such as humor or give-and-take in a conversation
Obsessive interest in specific items or information
Strong reactions to textures, smells, sounds, sights, or other stimuli that others might not even notice, such as a flickering light

This describes him and the symptoms are fairly consistent no matter what the source. The above came from WebMD but Wiki would be just as good of an overview. Actually it has more information in one article where WebMD links from one article to the next. I prefer not skipping around so I am still on the search for the ultimate in Asperger's infromation in one place --it is called a book but which one? Redundancy is aggravating and self help books get tossed aside. Until I find the tome I am searching for, I continue on my internet quest to convince myself that I was not indeed crazy and I knew ther was a problem way before anyone even questioned it.

I have been extrememly successful in getting him services so far and feel just okay going into a 12 hour EEG. My anxiety is high for him and how he is going to cope. Alas, this will be just another milestone in the evaluation of my Space boy.